Immersive learning is inserting one’s self into a virtual environment through the aid of visual and audio augmenting devices. It replaces all or most real-world sensory inputs with a range of digital sensory inputs. These inputs either create or replicate an existing or a fictitious scenario, place, or object. In this way, learners gain greater insights about the subject they are studying or viewing.

Most tech-reliant organizations will embrace immersive learning within the coming future. We are talking about organizations traditionally relying on some form of visual aid. In their case, images and graphics support operations. Some examples are manufacturing, designing, exploration, construction, and healthcare. For such organizations, visualising products, locations, even human interaction is inevitable, and immersive learning has already proved itself here.

However, this article is not about those industries, organizations, or job roles already in favour of a technology like immersive learning. Rather, this article talks about 5 areas to implement immersive learning into your workplace today. And probably, you don’t even know them!

Traditional marketing is about messaging through well-placed imagery and text. Hence, for marketers working with billboards, hoardings, and real-world advertising collaterals, immersive learning or training is a promising way to train and check themselves on the concept of ‘attention grabbing messaging.’

Immersive learning for marketers involves visualising real-world locations through AR and VR headsets. AR allows users to test the placement of advertisements, understanding if the messaging works with the surroundings to find a suitable location or a spot.

It achieves all of this without the marketer leaving their office or the creation of advertising mock-ups.

To be fair, this form of immersive learning is already in extensive use within the retail space. It is only a matter of time before every marketing team takes immersive learning seriously.

There is no shortage in the number of customer facing jobs, and frankly, facing customers is inevitable while being very decisive for your business’ success.

Training your customer-facing staff and salespeople on the basics of customer interactions using immersive learning is a great option. The retail industry is already doing this, however, the hospitality industry has joined in on the trend.

The recent rise in the number of discriminatory cases between staff representing big brands and minority customers shows the difficulty of training sales staff using pure theory-based training. Rather, it is wise to adopt training that supports audio and visual training, and if AR and VR can do this, then why not?

This is where advanced technology dwarfs everything you thought you knew and refreshingly opens your eye to the possibilities of the future. Few are aware, but a futuristic organization by the name of Doghead Simulations through their product RUMII has placed people inside virtual classrooms.

Virtual classroom training puts the virtual in virtual classroom training. Learners put on a headset to immerse themselves into a classroom training environment. The AR then simulates an actual classroom with desks, whiteboards, and even screens.

Learners even see, gesture, and communicate with other participants, while the virtual trainer conducts training for all. The trainer even writes on a virtual whiteboard which records everything for post training consumption and reruns!

This technology is ready for purchase as of today! Just imagine the number of hours, expenses, and energy saved in traveling to training venues. However, purchasing the hardware involves a onetime investment.

We can sometimes complicate software training. However, imagine an immersive experience where 4 screens are open each with a varying interface of the same software.

Any of the 4 directions a user looks in—North, South, East, West—serves as a screen. This is the power of immersive learning using AR and VR based technology.

Where usually a single click results in a back and forth between screens to see an output, using immersive training, a single click on the first screen causes an immediate response on a secondary screen. All the person does is look toward the desired screen to see an output.

Sexual harassment, acceptable dressing and behaviour, fire evacuation, or even using a complicated piece of hardware, all of them fall into a sweet spot for immersive training.

People get away with wrongdoings by claiming to misunderstand the meaning of text and image based documents. This is because of the limited and/or ambiguous nature of words being used explaining complex topics and actions.

Often, it is because of this ambiguity that people claim unawareness and are easily let off the hook or grievously hurt themselves.  Videos and immersive learning based technology doesn’t allow this. A clear visual representation of all that’s accepted, sets the expectation straight with the learner. It leaves no space for exploitation while also safeguarding your organization.

Visit us at eNyotalearning to know more about immersive learning and our work towards harnessing this technology. As we make tomorrow’s corporate training space better. You can also contact us for information on technologies like the LMS by writing to us at or click to fill a quick call-back form! Also, try our 30-day free LMS trial and schedule a demo to gain access to our mobile learning application.

Happy learning!

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