In the age of technology and constant innovations, online training has become a game changer in corporate training programs by allowing realtime changes and constant updation of training course content as per the business needs of organizations. This is unlike what is possible with traditional methods of conducting classroom training for learners/employees.

Successfully creating these online training programs as per business requirements is half the battle won for various global organizations. However, delivering these training modules or programs to learners worldwide becomes a challenging task for organizations today. This is because organizations consist of various departments and have employees with a variety of skills working in different time zones. Also, the understanding of a given subject varies from one employee to another, based on their professional experience. Hence, providing training to each of these employees based on their skills and expertise is not as easy as it sounds.

online courses

A Learning Management System (LMS) is a software application that helps in administration, documentation, tracking, and reporting for training programs. An LMS acts as a control panel to monitor the learners’ progress and training programs, and makes deployment and distribution of training courses seem like a doddle.

Here are a few ways in which an LMS eliminates this challenge.

An LMS allows organizations to store training programs/courses at a centralized location. This further simplifies access to training material for learners and eliminates confusion in accessing the right set of courses assigned to them. The system administrators or learning managers can effortlessly upload training programs and learners can access these courses from any part of the world in just a few clicks.  This also signifies that an LMS provides access to a comprehensive list of courses from which learners can pick the courses they want to take up. The risk of loss of information or training material is also eliminated.

Training employees with the latest possible information (necessary for business requirements) often becomes difficult for trainers in organizations. An LMS allows easy and quick upgrades in training programs that organizations need to update as per the changing requirements of their industry. Adding new training courses and updating or removing the old ones becomes a task that can be done within a matter of minutes because of the centralized architecture of an LMS. Course designers can also make changes to the existing courses in order to make them more appealing and interactive for learners. This also facilitates providing relevant courses to learners and enables them to access the latest information.

In-built features like tracking data and analyzing data of learners help Learning Managers to track their learners’ journey and progress over any specific time span. They can also track aspects like milestones achieved, courses completed, time spent on each course/training, assessment performances, and a lot more. Another key tool to track the performance of learners is the gathering of feedback via questionnaires and surveys that can be easily sent out using an LMS. Some LMSes offer advanced analytical and data mining tools that suggest relevant courses to learners based on their learning behavior.

Global organizations have employees working in multiple time zones and based in different locations across the globe. This demands multiple-language support in an LMS in order to provide training programs to employees in their native or local languages, as not all learners are comfortable with the default English language. An LMS allows learners to take training courses in which they can switch between languages based on their comfort, thereby making sure that no employee feels out of place, and everyone has a better understanding of subjects during training programs.

An LMS plays an integral role in managing both, online training programs and blended learning. For comprehensive coverage of subjects in training, blended training approach is an ideal way as it uses classroom training sessions and online training modules. An LMS helps define and schedule online training courses for learners based on their classroom training schedules to support their learning experience.

Today, an LMS has become the backbone of eLearning and online training methodologies. This marks its importance in organizations for employee training at present, and makes it necessary for organizations to consider the best LMS to deploy learning courses globally.

To know how Abara LMS can help you deploy eLearning courses across the globe with ease, write to us at

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